CLOSED - Product Test for Parents on Diapers & Training Pants $240-$250
US Research Recruiting & Facilitation, LLC, is looking for parents who have children in various sizes of diapers and training pants to participate in a paid in-home research study to be held in March 2024. Participants will have free diapers and training pants for the 14-16-day study delivered to them at no cost. Those who qualify and complete participation will receive $240-$250 after the study. You will be asked to use up to 4 products per day and answer a very brief online questionnaire after each. The entire study is handled remotely. You will not need to attend in person for any part of the research. If you are interested in participating, please sign up and take the survey to see if you qualify!
Space is limited, subject to availability. Criteria for qualification are subject to change at any time and without notice.