CLOSED - Focus Group on Fast Food in San Diego $150 - $175

Focus Group on Fast Food in San Diego


Plaza Research San Diego is conducting a Fast Food Study withRespondents Age 18-55. The discussion takes place on Thursday, February 27, 2020 in Plaza Research San Diego. If you qualify and are chosen to participate, you will receive $150 - $175 for 2 hours of your time. Proof may be required in order to participate if chosen. If you are interested in participating, please sign up and take the survey to see if you qualify! If you look like a match, we will contact you by telephone. Due to the large response to our surveys, we are only able to contact those that look like a match. Please continue to answer future studies, as you may be a match to those.

Space is limited, subject to availability. Criteria for qualification is subject to change at any time.

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