CLOSED - Clinical Trial for Women on Birth Control Patches in Atlanta $500

Clinical Trial for Women on Birth Control Patches in Atlanta


Investigational birth control patch for women who wish to use a skin patch to prevent pregnancy.

You may qualify for the Luminous Research Study if you:
    • Are sexually active
    • Are at least 16 years of age
    • Have normal, regular menstrual cycles
    • Wish to prevent pregnancy for at least 12 months
    • Are you willing to try an investigational hormonal method of birth control
    • Are willing to use the study patch as your only method of birth control during the study.

Volunteers who participate in the study may be reimbursed for study-related travel.

Apply now and see if you qualify!

Space is limited, subject to availability. Criteria for qualification is subject to change at any time, and without notice.

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