CLOSED - Focus Group for Women High School Athletes in NYC $100

Focus Group for Women High School Athletes in NYC


RazorFocus is looking for  parents (moms & dads) of high school and college athletes who are active themselves.  RazorFocus is also looking to speak with high school athletes - sophomores, juniors and seniors - who may or may not be interested in continuing their sport beyond high school.  Each segmented group will be 90 minutes in length, compensating $100 for sharing your thoughts and opinions. The groups will be held IN PERSON at our facility in Stamford, CT on Thursday, January 23rd. Please keep in mind that in marketing research, there are no right or wrong answers. We seek people with varying points of view to conduct a balanced study. Should your responses suggest that we may be able to use your help, a recruiter will only then contact you at the number you provide. If you are interested in participating, please sign up and take the survey to see if you qualify!

Space is limited, subject to availability. Criteria for qualification is subject to change at any time.

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